Jordan Series Drogue

What is it?

Performance at Sea


Prices and Order Form


Order Form

Design Loads and Attachments

Launching and Retrieval

About the Designer

About the Builder

Storm Waves

Wave Science

Coast Guard Report CG-D-20-87

Mooring and Anchoring

Printable Versions

Soundings-May 2006


Multihulls: Based on loaded displacement
6,000 lb displacement: Drogue would have 130 cones on 270' of line.Line would be 5/8" tapering to ½" for the last 75 cones.

12,000 lb displacement: Drogue would have 140 cones on 280' of line.
Line would be 5/8" tapering to ½" for the last 75 cones.

18,000 lb displacement: Drogue would have 150 cones on 295' of line. Line would be 3/4" tapering to ½" for the last 75 cones.

30,000 lb displacement: Drogue would have 160 cones.

40,000 lb displacement: Drogue would have 165 cones.

50,000 lb displacement: Drogue would have 170 cones.

60,000 lb displacement: Drogue would have 180 cones.

Please email or
call us at (860) 739-5999 for pricing.

Trawlers, large powerboats, etc. would have 250 cones.

Size & Weight:
15,000 lb version fits in box 12" X 12" X 16" and weights 32 lbs.
25,000   14" X 16" X 16"   45 lbs
50,000   12" X 21" X 28"   65 lbs

Bridle Legs:
Each leg 2.5 X transom width plus splice allowance, plus extra to tie off on boat. These may be 3 strand, double braid, Spectra line or wire.

Weight at End:
15 lbs of lead/ anchor/chain/scuba weights for boats to 25,000 lbs; 20 lbs to 40,000; 25 lbs to 50,000 lbs.

Please email or call us at (860) 739-5999 for pricing.

WARNING: The Jordan Series drogue should never be deployed from the bow. It will not pull the bow into the wind and will not protect the boat in a storm.

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Jordan Series Drogue  | What is it?  | Performance at Sea | TechnologyDesign Loads and Attachments
Launching and Retrieval | About the Designer | About the BuilderStorm Waves Wave Science | "The Loss of the Winston Churchill" | Coast Guard Report CG-D-20-87 | Mooring and Anchoring | Printable Versions | Soundings-May 2006

If you have any comments or questions on drogue sales or configurations, please email them to or call us at (860) 739-5999.

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Trademarks cited are the property of their respective owners. Last modified: July 2014